What I Did......... On My Summer Vacation..
First..... I got up....
This possibly familiar start to an old Cheech & Chong routine aptly describes my slovenly approach to reporting the minutes (and subsequent blog entries), of Summer 2012 Henhouse Rooster Practice sessions/meetings. I have been REALLY LAZY about posting the outcome of our practice sessions, and last night's meeting really illustrated the importance of breaking that bad habit.
  I'd uncovered a couple of notesheets full of song ideas and realized that since I hadn't posted any of them, well... they got totally forgotten about! Seems blatently obvious NOW, but let's face it- that's why "bad" habits are called BAD habits!
  Without further ado (or procrastinating..) the most recent meeting of The Henhouse Roosters produced the following song ideas:
"I Got A Woman" originally by Ray Charles, but Ed identifies more strongly with a version by Blind Snooks Eglin (really cool name, I can see why Ed prefers this version), but really because it focuses on guitar as the main instrument, versus Ray Charles's heavy piano influence. We think we're gonna have a lot of fun doing this one! Standard tuning, but capo 1, so key is F, which puts me in Bb, and that's a really good harp key- (a good voice to that one!).
"Lawyers, Guns & Money" by Warren Zevon (strangely) seems like it might be an interesting pick for us- will require a little more fiddling around with, but it's a funny, rowdy/rollicking tune! Key of G/C.
B.B. King's "How Blue Can You Get" also packs a few funny lyrics and is a great Blues standard. E/A
"She's A Woman" by The Beatles, with a slight Reggae twist was discussed and run-thru. E/A
 The Rolling Stone's "Stray Cat Blues" might get the nod if we can convey the "proper nasty" snarl of the original. What's next?!? Mack & Ed wearing tight pants & pointy shoes???!? It's no capital crime...
Really wanting to showcase a couple of Doors tunes, we've been playing around a little with "Love Me Two Times" Key: E/A (not a Doors original, but a blues cover that they really stamped with their own style). Could be a Willie Dixon, will have to find out! The other Doors tune which I'm really itching to do is "Soul Kitchen". Really cool riff which may lead into a long jam. Has a real "Beat" feel to it. Mack vocals if Ed doesn't want to do. Key Am/D
Ended up the evening with a little "On The Road Again", and No!!! NOT THE WILLIE NELSON one, but the Canned Heat tune- Ultra Groovy Late Sixtie's Vibe. Great intro with harmonics from guitar, and long-winded droning from the harp.Need to listen & follow closely to the original, as I fear it will resemble "LaGrange" by Z.Z. Topp too much. E/A
And... That's a wrap. We've had a leisurely summer, but hope a new chapter in The Henhouse Rooster's history is just around the corner, full of lots of adventure & foolheartedness!!